A Mass of Minor Frustrations

I am involved and engaged in a wider range of activities than most! It is not surprising i suppose that such a range of issues niggle at my existence. For the most part; the grit in my ointment is inconsequential, but occasionally they conspire in concert to test my patience.

Hmmm... when there is a major issue bothering me is when the mass of minor frustrations are most irritating. The more intractable the problem- if it is dependent on the actions of others for example, the more antsy I become. It is at those points that I have to be more alert about not snapping at people or overreacting the small stuff because I've let my feelings about real issues spill over into the minutiae of life.

The internet was lost from work just after lunch yesterday. I was finally sending a piece of info to officially close the admin for a grant I raised last year but was unable to complete it with no internet. I went to find the appropriate worker but his response appears to have been to go home. I followed suit: there was little for me to do and I couldn't even sit at my desk and write funding applications for my CIC. The fact that I felt not even the slightest twinge of embarrassment or wrong-doing was delicious. I suppose there is the possibility of them sacking me for misconduct rather than making me redundant, but it is not as though I am being entirely cavalier about things- there really isn't that much for me to do except be in attendance for 37hours to justify receiving my wage. I do not see that I should be seeking new work to do to fill my time, I see that as the responsibility of my boss.

I continue to be concerned and bothered by both my lodgers for different reasons. I have tried so much with one of them whom I believe would register on the Aspergers/Autism spectrum and who has become as dependent on me as my godson was. One of the things I said to my godson was that I wasn't prepared to fund his lifestyle of sleeping all day and playing computer games all night but this is not far from what I am allowing one of the lodgers to do. It has been YEARS since he last worked and he is 29. The other one is more than a bit of a sociopath. He will demonstrate and profess extreme enthusiasm for any project or initiative but will have forgotten most of his commitments by the time he has walked out of the room. He is keen to be liked by everyone and ends up being distrusted by most as he lets them down. I have repeatedly asked him to let us know if he is not going to sleep at my house- I see it as common courtesy- I don't care what he might be doing but I want to know who's going to be in my house. I have spoken to him about this three times, each time he accepts that it is a reasonable expectation and promised to do so... He has failed. 

I have registered the rooms on flat-share sites for enough to allow me to live there effectively payment free. I have threatened this for too long and not done it, I fear my lodgers think I won't do it. I have no choice, if I find suitable replacements, they'll both have to move out.

I briefly met my friend and his lass this morning when they came to collect some stuff from the community centre. In that brief meeting she retained the face-like-a-slapped-arse and moaned. My friend is an ebullient soul generally and I could see that he is already cowed in her passive-aggressive presence. I shook my head involuntarily at one point and he caught me doing so... Pussy must be bloody amazing to let sensible guys become soggy doormats when their access to it might be threatened!


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