New Village Spirit
I went to Leadgate yesterday to meet a group of older people who're comparatively new to the village and who have started new community activities largely because they found what was on offer restrictive and cliquey! My friend warned me that they might be friendly with the self-proclaimed leading light of the village: the person who had refused to accept grants because he thought his organisation could do without them and yet complains about the lack of public sector support he receives for his activities. The reality couldn't have been more different, this group identified the "leading light" as a force for stopping things from happening. What is more: as they have been drumming up interest for their ideas a common refrain from villagers has been to the effect of : they'd do it as long as [the leading light] isn't involved. I felt sorry for him. I also found out that he had been rather over-egging his military career: When someone says they were involved in...