Well, that was a week!

That was an odd week!

At least the cold I picked up at the castle has finally passed.

I 'lost it' with the peripatetic lodger who turned up as usual with his daughter on Wednesday night. The fucker waltzes in sorts out the child then sits in my living room without so much as a fucking acknowledgement. I told him what I thought of that but had to leave as I was irrationally angry. I have spoken to the lame shit about the disrespect I feel about him just showing up when he feels like it without any word to the people with whom he is living. You might say its his right as a paying tenant, but that was never the basis under which ANYONE has lived in my home and if it were, he should be paying me around £150 per month more AND contributing to the bills. I begin to wonder if there isn't something wrong with him! I know he's on antidepressants, is that an excuse for his behaviour? I couldn't care any less who he might be shagging, but the tales he tells of his work just can't be true- if they are the company is breaking several laws. Why does he lie? He is well-known for his fantasies, being caught up in one is weird. As for the other one, What the fuck have I done? He seems incapable of looking after himself- I have been on at him to sign on FOR MONTHS and yet I have gone through the process before he has had an initial interview. Of course it is "their" fault. WHEN I kick out the first one, this one will move into the vacated room as the one he occupies will command more dosh! It MIGHT be enough to slap him awake.

Still: I took the opportunity to go through my office chucking out excess paper, arranging bill payments whilst (still) looking for my passport. It must be in my bedroom, blitz on Sunday.

I've played the game and applied for shit-loads of jobs this week (well about 7). I'd not be pissed off to actually get. It has been my experience that jobs I've REALLY wanted and worked and reworked the applications based on serious research etc I've not even been interviewed for more often than not, and I've had some really good jobs after literally dashing off a quick response. I truly wonder whether a nearly 56 year old black man has any chance of getting anything worthwhile here at the moment. It is a slow period for grants at the moment which is just as well as I've not had time for fund-raising until today. My priority is to get equipment and resources for Eurotrash Upcycled so that Chris can finish the furniture he's made and we can get it to market. There should be a job for him next week to restore some boundary fences for an allotment group- if they get their fingers out and actually send some measurements! -Photos were nice but not that useful!

The Black British season continues to wow! I put a plea on Facebook asking white contacts to watch it, I have learned a huge amount from it, but it saddened me to think that only people of colour were watching it. How much better off we would be if the whole stories were told rather than the polite edit of British History with which the populace is drip fed.

It has been odd not heading up to Leadgate at least twice a week. I don't feel welcome there- not because of Garry but he's off the blow in prep for a piss test and I don't get on with his partner so...

I took Jamba to the vet and reluctantly agreed for him to be castrated next week. I know it is for the best in the long term, but he has such a pleasant demeanor I just hope it is the right thing now. He has become quite attached to me as the other lodger never appears from his room before around 5pm. He comes and asks to be let out or sometimes sleeps on my desk while I work.


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