The Kids Aren't Alright!

The youth project in the community centre I'm after for my company is pulling out in February claiming cuts as the reason. They're in fact a branch of a huge and wealthy global charity that COULD fund its individual projects if it wanted to. They'd been threatening to go ever since they lost a grant from the local authority last year. The kids aren't happy and are writing unprompted letters to the Council and the papers. I was invited to speak with them yesterday and tried to get them to understand that the council isn't responsible. The council has to find cuts of £250m and central government wants all local authorities to pay for themselves with no central funds by 2020.

I explained that if my company is chosen we will honour a commitment to retain an independent youth project with the same youth leaders and that I believe it will be eminently fundable. I encouraged the kids to spread the word about my plans and at very least, to demand that the council gives prominence to Youth and Community development in the decision about to whom the building should be assigned.

I also found out that the tenant organisation I most hoped would leave when I was working there too intend to go next year. I am hoping that will put off some of the four other applicants as it will mean having to find £41K running costs instead of £21K. It is a little frustrating to know what is going on and not be in a position to put plans in place to secure funds, promote the available spaces etc. I suppose I can begin to draft things, but I had a go today and it felt weirdly redundant probably because it will either be totally irrelevant if we're not offered the lease and anything I write is liable to change when the details of the lease are presented.

All of this is sapping my life essence! I keep depression at bay by keeping busy with largely banal universal credit bullshit: the sort of jobs for which I am applying require a lot more in the way of application than it appears they anticipate. A couple of times I have found myself halfway through the Work and Education experience bit and lose the will to live: I KNOW I don't want the job. I've got an interview in Sheffield next week, I hope I get the job just to give myself some stability.

I'm heading to Co Durham next week to meet with some new and positive people who seem to have replaced the obstructive old guard. It is a real pleasure to correspond with them and their enthusiasm for the project is heartening. They see the same potential for the building that drove the work we did last year, perhaps the owner will respond to them better than she did to me. I said I would happily help with admin and fund-raising but I will not lead on the project after being warned off before.


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