Bete Noir

Insecure middle class white women will say ANYTHING rather than take responsibility when they fuck up in front of a confident black man. -At least that has been my experience!

A particularly ineffectual female, caused a minor kerfuffle at work that, when it was revealed that the problem stemmed from the miscommunication of someone delivering a parcel [I kid you not: the LENGTHS to which people like this will go to try to prove a point- especially when they feel WRONGED] She still REFUSED to accept anything other than "That Woman" had been rude to her... I persevered in an attempt to diffuse it but she was having none of it. In the end I reiterated that I was trying to give her information with a bearing on the current issue but as she was refusing to acknowledge it I had more important things to do which I could be doing "I really don't have time for this" I told her and left.

She complained to her boss! I told her boss I had no intention of meeting her to discuss anything, but that I was happy for her to either contact my line manager or conduct a correspondence. By the time my boss was told about it I was the great black beast who appeared unannounced and struck fear into the hearts of two innocent women who tearfully called their manager in distress. WORSE is the fact that my (middle class female) boss immediately believed the white women were right (except the one from her own company of course) and that my behaviour was unacceptable.

Sadly I don't really give a damn. I was employed to be a Community Development Worker. I discovered in December that my employers acted illegally creating the job! I came up with ways of addressing this issue which have been rejected because their new idea doesn't include Community Development. From February to June I got no information about my job or the company in general. Meetings to which I had habitually been invited now happened without my knowledge. Meantime, I just didn't know what I could be doing so I finally outlined in detail the reasons why I needed to know what was going on. Only then did I find out that they'd actually scrapped the Community Development part of my job and thought I would be OK with getting the same money whilst acting as a caretaker. Because I have been openly irritated by this my "attitude" is being questioned, well "Der!".

The funniest moment in a "Catch up" meeting with my boss where my failings were identified was when she pronounced "You think its all about you!" ROFLMAO I retorted by mentioning that I READ all the stuff the organisation produces about being Person Centred but had not experienced it. I cited being kept in the dark, out of the loop and having to practically BEG for information and direction. That didn't go down well but its VERY easy for me to prove with a simple trawl of emails. Until THEIR cock up was discovered and my ability to raise funds for the programme was stopped there seemed to be no problem. Now, I cannot raise any more money which means I cannot programme any more activities which means I cannot engage the community and am left to be caretaker because the organisation still needs somebody to do that. The fact that the funds the organisation received for my salary was certainly NOT so that they'd have an over-qualified caretaker seems a minor issue to them. It would be interesting if the funders found out...


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