Immigration Advisory Service (UK) gone into administration and good news for Robert Segwanyi

This is the main organisation that advises refugees and asylum seekers. With its demise it will be even more difficult for people to get the information and advice they need. I would imagine the already creaking and inadequate system will be increasingly overburdened and even more poor decisions and injustices will occur.

On a happier note, I'm pleased to read that Robert Segwanyi -(pictured) who was tortured and imprisoned for being gay in Uganda had the threat of being returned to Uganda from detention in UK stopped at the (typically) last moment. this was after a judge decided that he didn't believe that Robert is gay, and then commented that even if he was, there wasn't any real danger for him to return to Uganda. Its no wonder the UK Border Agency is accused of Institutional Homophobia. Officials have seriously advised LGBT people being deported from UK to "tone themselves down" and "be discrete". When they're forced to admit they're wrong they always take it to final act to make the individual think they WILL be deported. Its almost as if these officials enjoy the drama, enjoy toying with people who have already endured more than they will ever experience in their comparatively cushy lives before accepting the bleeding obvious.

I hope this will be the end of the trauma Robert endures whilst he is in UK and that he is allowed and encouraged to make the contributions to our society he wants the opportunity to offer.


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