Attempts to usee Human Rights Law to Support Bigotry

Laura Fotosky has been the topic of much comment recently since her decision to resign her job as a Town Clerk in a New York town, because she felt that officiating at same sex marriage ceremonies contravened her beliefs as a Catholic.

My personal reaction was that: if a Civil Servant is unable to serve the community as they are directed by law, there should be no discusssion: Thank you and good bye. Of course there is much breast-beating and claims that Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs etc. I find the whole discussion about same sex marriage bewildering: These Christians need to accept that for good or ill; LGBT exist, everywhere and as previous centuries of repression have showed: legislation isn't going to make them disappear. Given those facts, surely it makes more sense for these self-elected moral guardians to encourage Gay and Lesbian couples to establish stable relationships like those championed by most religions- AAH -but perhaps that is the problem: as more and more similarities emerge and it is more difficult to present credible arguments showing Gays and Lesbians to be the cloven-hooved, child-hunting monsters, perhaps our moral guardians are overly threatened.

Irony of ironies: the "Alliance Defence Fund" described as "a conservative legal advocacy group" has been picking apart New York's Human Right's laws and think they have found a loophole that will allow bigoted or at least prejudiced public servants to please themselves and keep their jobs. -Which will slow down change as the loophole will have to be altered etc.


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