Bigotry and history

"History is written by the victors"

California's governor Jerry Brown has signed a law that requires the state's schools to include LGBT history in their teaching. "Familly Advocacy Groups" like the "Capitol Resource Institute" in Sacramento aren't happy. -Why? -Because they say it will teach children to accept homosexuality. Well: "No shit Sherlock!"

These people are reacting as though teaching children about the contributions of LGBT people to the social, political, scientific and economic development of their country and the world will encourage them to experiment with homosexuality. I believe their real fear is that their own children will question their parents' views in ways they won't be able convincingly to answer. Bigotry, prejudice and hatred are largely learned from people around us: if our parents are afraid and distrustful of a thing or a person, they're pretty good at teaching those reactions to their children. -Things like fear of snakes for example- I saw a clip with a goup of mothers and their babies playing with several very large snakes: the mothers were relaxed and calm and their babies were playful and curious.

By teaching that LGBT people are everywhere, making contributions in all sections of society, it will challenge the stereotypes and misinformation these "family advocacy groups" peddle. The world is full of dangers, better to inform children about the real ones and how to keep themselves safe rather than to add to the pantheon of monsters from their parents imaginations.


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