
Well, (financial) times are hard thanks to the Social Services LOL. To make things worse, I'm having to raid my account to pay for someone to fix my fence before it gets blown onto the pavement. I've been waiting all day for someone who agreed yesterday to do the job today, to actually arrive. I have called three times and been told someone was on their way etc. It is most annoying because I fobbed off another quote who couldn't do the work until Saturday. I was in bed listening to the wind last night and was grateful for the job to be done today as I don't think the fence will last until Saturday! Now it seems I am back to square one. 

I haven't heard anything from the SS. This is the 'second week' so, my SS worker's talk of 'fast-tracking' to accept respite care has come to nought. My lodger has at last been given keys to his new flat, but I am a little dismayed to find that they're only now taking measurements re acquiring furniture and appliances. -It bothers me that they've had so much 'down time' in advance of KNOWING they'd eventually come to this point, so why did they not make use of that time rather than waiting until the last minute and rushing?

As much as I feel for my current lodger, AND the fact that he is still here is a financial lifeline, I look forward to him leaving. I can't do much more for him! I get myself into a near-trancelike state when he stands in the doorway when I'm watching TV or at my computer and drones monotonously at me about things about which I have no knowledge or experience- using names I've never heard as if I should know them etc. I accept that it is hard for him to communicate. I also noticed that he doesn't converse so much as he waits for pauses in what I am saying, to continue with what he wants to say. Yesterday he told me about something his tutor had suggested he did to find out what jobs are available in his chosen field and to match the skills sets to those he has and to highlight things he needs to learn to apply for those roles. -Very sensible stuff- that I had suggested to him before he started his current course. I think that moving into his first flat on his own will actually be brilliant for him; he is a person so unused to autonomy that he does not know his own capabilities. I can only hope that his remaining family don't drag him down.


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