No Real Surprise


So, after some characteristic tooing and froing between Newcastle and Consett, after plans and arrangements, after notifications and research, the lad (see last post) did not show up. 

Having been dumped, his ex asked him to dog-sit whilst she celebrated her birthday and stayed out overnight. He says he agreed as it would give him time to sort out his posessions and help clear up the mess that threatens to have her and her children evicted (which is unlikely, but part of their neighbour's attempts to get rid of them). He also took one or two of the dogs to new homes. What a helpful lad. (!)

When we last spoke, he said something about going to his mother's to deal with the withdrawal rather than come to me. I did not object,  despite his mother not really being able to cope with him and being slightly irritated that the preparations I was making to help his recovery were dismissed over the potential embarrassment of him struggling through his withdrawal. I confess to getting a little fatigued with the constantly changing details. I did expect him to at least let me know what he ultimately decided but...

If he doesn't move from Consett he will never kick his habit. It is a real shame; I believe he has a lot to offer for himself. He has become so used to appearing dependant as an easier option than taking charge. If he took charge, he might fail, as long as he doesn't; nothing is really his fault, he is a victim of circumstances. That makes me sad, but all I felt able to do was to offer him a 'care package' with a promise to do my best to help him to detox, find a job in Newcastle and make a fresh start. Having led that particular horse to water, he wandered off. 

I am left wondering how much of what he told me this time is true. It is sensible not to take everything an addict tells you as 'gospel'. They may be 100% sincere when they're talking to you, but that can be because they need support and will say what they think you want to hear, but the moment they're on their own they'll have forgotten anything they've said.


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