Racists Emboldened

Resistance to any progress in "Race Relations" which calls for white people to accept that Black and brown people have suffered under their rules shows no sign of abating as more people wake up to the historic and systemic abuses inherent in British society (!). Last year, dance group 'Diversity' performed a piece on 'Britain's Got Talent' which referenced George Floyd's murder. Racist Brits lost their shit! 30,000+ responses made it the most complained about TV moment. Complainers claimed they were responding to politics being introduced to an entertainment show, a lot of them might even believe that, but they are wrong. Ashley Banjo and the group had to increase security for themselves and their families as more and more people called them out led by the usual suspects like Luvvie Fox and putrid Piers Morgan. The BAFTAs were held last week and Diversity won an award for the contentious piece whic of course prompted another wave of criticism. People noticed that almost half the BAFTAs were awarded to people of colour which was proof to them that the whole thing has been hijacked by "The Woke Agenda". Isn't it interesting that they fail to consider that until now people of colour have been woefully underrepresented in these awards?

Black American footballer Colin Kaepernick started "taking the knee" before games in 2016 in protest about American police killing Black people, he was soon sacked for the controversy it caused. Today, since the killing of George Floyd and resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, more teams are making the gesture- at least until they get backlash from racist "fans". The England football team has been booed by its own "fans" for 'taking the knee" before a "Euros" game. Selfservative politicians have declared they will boycott the rest of the tournament if the practice is continued. The polite ( and oh, so British) argument is that politics should be kept out of sport. They get very upset if you call them "Racists"... They're Racists.

Some of the racism I've read about recently makes me think that not a lot of thought went into the words and deeds that characterised them as racists; there is a lot of bravado around: a lot of people are responding like spoiled children to being asked to act like adults. I see yobs abusing Asian families and running off, people harrassing others on public transport etc. Booze plays a part, but not all the time, although once in court they will pile on the excuses about being off their faces meant they acted in uncharacteristic ways. In my experience, alcohol is a disinhibitor so it releases feelings they might usually suppress, I find it hard to accept it as an excuse.

Prince Harry's marriage to Meghan Markle has been the other constant race-baiting story that is running and running- largely because Harry "declared war" on the British press after many stories drawing (oh-so-British) attention to Ms Markle's ethnicity and implications about how the British royal family was to be 'infiltrated' by "exotic" DNA. The couple withdrew- from positions in the top tier of the British royal family and ultimately from Britain to live in California. This has been taken as a personal affront by many brainless Brits! I am friendly with an arch Meghan-hater, who began by repeating every negative thing they'd heard about her for turning Harry against his family (and, by implication, his people) and has now progressed to hating the prince too. Interestingly, when I drilled into those beliefs I found something I think is common amongst Harry and Meghan haters: jealousy! My friend talks about how they would have put up with the things about which Meghan complained, because she was living in palaces. The fact that she was restricted from so much of what she was used to and most of us accept whilst experiencing the microaggressions people of colour experience all the time, is deemed irrelevant. Meghan's claims about feeling suicidal were dismissed because my friend believes they would have been happy to have sat around "being waited on hand and foot". Empathy, let alone sympathy are scarce commodities at the moment.

The two celebrity bigots who are centre stage for me at the moment are Lawrence (Luvvie) Fox and (Putrid) Piers Morgan. Fox is a failed scion of a British acting dynasty- ex public school and privilege who came to notice after claiming that a Black woman calling him "privileged" was racist. He has become a high priest for the "Anti Woke" movement which is a bit like the movement against "politcal correctness" but with added racism. He recently lost his deposit in an election to become Mayor of London where he got a few more votes than a man with a dustbin on his head ["Count Binface]. He thinks arrogance can make up for his lack of intellectual prowess so it is amusing to see his announcements, luckily most people do see him as a twat, but he does have a lot of supporters. As for Putrid Morgan: I can't understand why he has any credibility at all after his past crimes as editor of the Daily Mirror until he was fired for the last in a series of seriously dodgy practices. Morgan has a particular bee in his bonnet over Meghan Markle whom he accuses of "ghosting" him after she met Prince Harry... I mean, who would blame her? Oh, and Morgan was married when he met Markle. Morgan recently attacked biracial tennis star Naomi Osaka when the 24 year old baulked at the media frenzy surrounding the French Open and she dropped out. Many people were quick to point out that Morgan was gunning for another young woman of colour and asking if he had a problem he should have investigated.

Britain has regressed since the Brexit referendum, like Amerikkka; it has become more and more divided.


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