What a week that has been! And this one offers equal excitement!

Phew...Where to start?

Adjusting to the responsibilities of my 'charge' has been surprisingly tiring- not that I've been gambolling over fields after him or anything, in fact; we seem to have slipped into a routine that 'works' and allows -nay inspires me to do a lot more writing whilst he is killing people in computer games :-( . Nevertheless, I'm almost ashamed of the relief I feel once I've warngled him into bed AFTER STANDARD ABULTIONS (!!! LOL). 

So I came across this Job Advert which interested me -I wasn't even looking for a job, I think I was actually deleting job site subscriptions when I recognised an acronym I'd recently come across in all the Fostering stuff I've been trying to assymilate. I misread some of the details (which will be important below) and found I matched the Person Spec and thought there'd be a way to do it whilst fostering as it was another branch of the service. I mentioned it to a Social Worker who said "Why Not?" so I sacked the free desk research I'd been doing and dashed off a quick, but sincere application. I was surprised to receive an invitation to a video interview. So I launched myself into researching all the Children's Act stuff and Competency Frameworks in preparation...

...I feel almost obliged (what a grouch!) to take my charge into the town on Saturdays. -But my reticence is ALL about the periodic discomfort in my feet and legs from Intermittent Claudication. He's a good kid and he shouldn't be imprisoned in the house all the time, especially as he doesn't yet know anyone around here. He'd asked to see the new 'Spiderman' movie, (Grrr) so we went. I thought the film was... I couldn't accept most of the main points of the plot, it was overly-complicated whilst being completely... OK not "completely" obvious, but the surprises were... "meh". I accept that I do NOT represent any segment of the fil's target audience. I noticed that my charge CAN control his frenetic nature when he needs to which was interesting as he found the film boring too LOL.

Unbeknownst to me until the following day, I lost my wallet between paying the taxi driver and entering the house. Cue much irritation which should be sorted by Thursday. DON'T PANIC MR MAINWARING!

After the interview I thought "Oh well, at least I learned some new stuff". It also transpired that I'd ACTUALLY applied for the more active of the roles  with much less Working From Home which would mean stress on being around for the lad- potentially. So not doing well at the interview was probably for the best.

Tonight they offered me the job.

Tomorrow I have urgent talks with the Social Workers.

Oh dear, be careful what you wish for.

Another way of looking at it is: You wait five years for a job and then TWO turn up at the same time!


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