A friend I'd not seen for a while contacted me and we got chatting. When pressed on my current situation I revealed I'd been carrying a not considerable, but bigger debt than I could service for the last couple of years. It has been obvious that the job I've just done hasn't changed my situation in any positive way. I need to get that debt sorted and there will be light at the end of my tunnel. My friend admonished me for not contacting them before (as if I would!) and told me their company has done so well in the last two years that he was prepared to loan me what I needed for at least a year!!! For reasons not worth repeating I was urged to come to get the cash in person.

Travelling to London is an expensive business. I found a couple of cheap tickets but ended up going in the morning and not getting back to Newcastle until 02:00 just to save some dosh. Typically; once I got to London, I headed for Central Station where I had intended to spend the day but my card had maxxed out- a direct debit had gone out that morning. I had enough cash for a pint, a sandwich and doughnuts from tesco and a ticket to the underground club which was an unexpect... delight. It was quite a lot of fun as it happened and filled in a couple of hours.

Friend arrived and treated me to a Nando's which he loved, I thought everything about the food was naf and will avoid in future. One reason for not contemplating travelling out of King's Cross is that I'm having difficulty walking any distance at the moment. Doctors have told me there is nothing wrong with my right leg, but I find it hard to walk.

It was an odd feeling; walking around the station with a pocket stuffed with a couple of bank clips of fifty pound notes! I was utterly knackered and ready for a few hours of kip on the way home, sadly that was scuppered by a family who got off at Darlington (thankfully). They were the sort of family who reaffirmed my idea that humans should be 'sterilised' at birth and only have the procedure reversed if they pass a parenting theory exam. There were loads of the bugers including 3 or 4 adults who, rather than controling their kids, added to their hystrionics. An 8 or 9 year old was running up and down the aisle pulling faces at people. I found myself planning his literal downfall by placing trip hazards in his path... No, I didn't. I did get up and earn about 20 minutes of peace by talking directly to the 'adults'. Interestingly; when I heard them talking about me, I was referred to as 'The bald man'. I ended up chatting with another passenger who had also planned on getting some kip.


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