Could be worse

I bit the bullet and contacted my mortgage company now that I'm a month in arrears. I was surprised by how pleasant they were. Certainly so much better than Northern Rock. They're being almost supportive at least for the moment. It is a major relief even if it is potentially temporary, not to fear losing my house.The numbers don't add up- by my reckoning I'm at least £120 per week 'short' of making ends meet and am implementing as many money-saving ideas as I can. I'm concocting all sorts of weird concoctions from what's in the cupboards for my daily meal and have remembered fried dumplings as a mid day filler.  I've again asked people who owe me money to start coughing up but ain't holding my breath, though I'm hoping one will maintain his commitment to give me £200 per month for the next year! Worse: one of my lodgers has also applied so he can pay rent but they've lost his claim! More delay. I will suffer. 

The council still haven't decided when they're going to MEET to discuss the Expressions of Interest over the building my company's trying to secure from them- if we get it I'll be able to fire off a succession of applications to fund it as well as give the green light to partner organisations poised to join us.

Isn't it funny how public sector agencies trundle along at their own implacable pace, pretending to be perfect when the opposite is obvious and when they're ready, you're expected to jump through hoops to their tunes?

Not much I can do that I'm not already doing- submitting about one job application per day, trying to raise cash for the community interest company, waiting for the council to make a decision, asking people to repay past generosities. I want to get back into writing- that's something I can do alone, but my head's not in the right place at the moment- unsurprisingly.

The organisation for the Maintenance Week at the castle is, at least beginning to go well. there are about 14 of the target 20 volunteers signed up. I've been trying to get cash to subsidise the food bill and I'm heading there on Sunday to meet the owner and take pics of what needs to be done. Got a tediously irritating message from one of the Faeries this morning. Knowing him it was typical of someone who seems to enjoy being flustered and making an issue where none existed before. He did have a point that we've not been swamped with volunteers, but that doesn't surprise me for a microsecond: the majority of the community are interested in playing and looking fabulous! Getting mucky doesn't feature.  I hope my response was polite- I simply reminded him that it was voluntary and that if he didn't want to come he didn't have to. In my more unkind moments, I think we may have dodged a bullet here. Looking at who HAS said they're coming, I think it is likely to be quite good fun. I will need it.


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