Bunking Off in Blyth

Today was uncharacteristically warm and bright. I have been wading through data to draft a final report for a research project that should have finished months ago but I had underestimated other people's inputs (again). I really wasn't in the mood for work and I had a hunch there wouldn't be that many more days like this for the rest of the year so I invited my housemate to stop brooding the loss of an Agency job and have a day out with me.

I am really looking forward to starting work in Blyth next week. Even though the theatre was closed by the time we arrived. We had lunch then made it all the way to the beach where a little dog became hysterical at the sight of me much to the embarrassment of its owner who kept saying "She's never been like this before". I wondered if the dog had seen many black people before. It certainly didn't bother me. I did see someone from Newcastle I particularly dislike, but, hey!

I think I could happily live in Blyth- as long as I had a job! -Not really practical until my Godson finishes school and/or learns to drive. You definitely get more house for your money in Blyth than in Newcastle. First things first: I need to learn to drive and soon!

When we got back I caught the weather forecast saying that it would be colder, windy and wet from now on. It looks as though my instincts were right.


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