Yoof Update


My lodger surprised me on Friday by announcing that he had decided that [what he had been advised when his situation was changed] is his best option. Being a 'yoof' of course; it was presented as if it was something he had come up with on his own, but that didn't matter as the important thing is that he will remain in a place where he will be supported, it will give him chances to learn construction courses at the college he is attending so that when/if the time comes for him to be 'invited to leave', he will have qualifications and certificates that should help him find employment when he is returned. There is also the added point that having a portfolio of achievements could help him make a last ditch appeal to stay. I almost hugges the little bugger.

Of course, nothing goes smoothly and getting him re-registered at the college has been a bit of a nightmare, mainly because of doubts over his status. Luckily, the vagueries of Home Office policies and procedures worked in his favour as the college eventually accepted his enrolement after I got the social workers to intervene. I was worried that he would be knocked back which would have proved to him that his ideas about disappearing to London etc were his best option.

The other lad still hasn't had an update re his new accommodation. The way he has responded shows a major problem in his personality in that he has become so used to accepting what he is offered and expecting the worst that he has no concept or abilities of completing with the other kids also being offered accomodation. I would not be at all surprised for me to complete the fostering training and not be able to progress because this lad is still in my house. He is a nice-enough lad, but more than a bit of an Eeyore with a permanent expectation of doom and gloom which is sometimes quite difficult to penetrate. I have tried to get him to understand that he is in some ways attracting bad things to himself by the constant expectation of disaster. Luckily, he has bought a graphics tablet and is producing some credible images which have been an introduction to some online forum of young digital creatives who he says like his work and are encouraging him to be more sociable albeit online.



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