
I'm struggling with the fact that I am STILL looking for work 17 months after I resigned from my last job! I couldn't have remained in the job; my pay was just enough to stop me sliding into more debt but not to address the 7 months of no income I'd had after being made redundant when I couldn't pay my mortgage. I thought the poor pay was down to working for a local authority until they made the mistake of sharing a list of salaries and I realised I'd been being shafted from day one!... After finding out, every day I worked there was painful.

I've applied for at least two jobs per week last year but have secured only 4 interviews. Whilst I'm sort of used to it now, this has been a shock to my system: I'm not used to struggling this hard to find work. In the past; I've been able to raise money to deliver creative community development initiatives, but we closed the community interest company last year so that's not open to me anymore.

Why do I seem to be the employment equivalent of a shitty stick? It MIGHT be the reputation I've acquired as an "Adocate" speaking truth unto (funding) power. Clients would moan in detail about the failings of the Arse Council (sic) to me, but smile sweetly during assessments etc and expect me to represent them. I accepted being unpopular with 'the authorities' as part of the job, but at THE crunch moment, when all the clients had to do was to agree to be counted, they all chickened out and that was the end of that...

I applied for an Admin Assistant job working for Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums. I worked for them from 2004 - 2006 as a Development Adviser on secondment from the Regional Development Agency. I assessed the economic development potential of all the museums in North East England and coordinated collaboration with museum services in Yorkshire and North West England to submit a contribution to the Labour party's proposed "Northern Way" economic development strategy which preceded "the Northern Powerhouse" as it was rebranded by the Selfservatives. Despite the very obvious success of my previous job which included raising £3m for a Regional Heritage Skills Coordinator and another £3m contribution to theGreat North Musuem, Hancock, I was not even short-listed for the Admin Assistant job. I would love to know why.

... A job I would have once considered "my Dream Job" was advertised today: Artistic Director of Northern Stage. I was surprised because the outgoing guy has made a real difference to the place. The former AD was a pleasant person, but I found her work to be boring. I stopped going to the theatre (when I could still afford it) because I was so frustrated by what I saw in Newcastle. I KNEW I could do better, and I think I probably still could, BUT... I haven't directed anything for about 25 years which probably immediately rules me out... It might be a waste of time, but I think I will apply for it. 

I know that if I had £600k I would set up the Albion Homesteads Alliance project but I have done my very best to get the jobs for which I have applied. I wish employers were obliged to offer feedback; I've reviewed my applications to ensure I have addressed the Person Specification and any other details requested. I've tried shorter, bullet-pointed answers, I've gone into more detail, I simply don't know what I can be doing wrong. I've had mates look at a couple of applications and all they could come up with that "they obviously didn't want you" but why?! I suppose it is just as well; I wouldn't want to work for people who didn't want to work with me, but I NEED to repay debts and I'm getting bored not being able to take part in much of a social life.


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