I have been in bed since Sunday with abdominal pain and nausea which have kept me awake. I am exhausted and drained. 

I am pretty sure it is trapped wind- no bloody joke when it hits I tell you! It happened to me a few days before my 30th birthday: I was working for Talawa Theatre and they had a belated office Christmas Dinner at some Mongolian Grill place- lots of near-raw vegetables and yummy sauces. The next day I was uncomfortable, by the evening I was in agony. To make it worse, I'd organised a big birthday bash at Central Station in King's Cross. By the time guests began to arrive, it was all I could to to lounge on a sofa and smile wanly... Until my Irish friend Eamon arrived, laughed, bought me a double port and lemonade and the pain went!!!! 

 am ever the optimist when it comes to my health so I refused to believe the excruciating pain I was feeling was anything more than trapped wind and that it would go away... Eventually. I'd spent Sunday with a couple of friends jamming and stuff- we take it in turns; they come to me on alternative Sundays... I was starving when I got home as I hadn't eaten anything but a bit of lemon cake and a biscuit so I made a HUGE pan of pasta and tuna salad which I then devoured. That was the most likely cause of my discomfort (stupid man!). Since then I haven't eaten, but the lodgers bought me some Lucozade which I made flat before I consumed it lol. 

It is so funny that after seven months of frenzied job-hunting and survival tactics, the moment I actually get a solid clear personal next step goal I become incapacitated. Or perhaps it is entirely logical: I remember directing plays for 4-6 weeks, going through the run with no problems and then on the night of the cast and crew party I'd come down with some lurgy. Its as if my body fights off all that stuff while I need it but the moment I let my guard down, BAM!

Or I'm just getting old.

Not being able to move much as well as not having much energy WAS I think quite beneficial in some ways. I wouldn't say I've been reflecting, or even THINKING that much, but the temporary shut-down was probably good for me. I remembered the port, but I'd ditched the Christmas alcohol stash in October at the castle- it had been around for more than a year and a testament to none of us being into alcohol here. BUT one of my lodgers had been given some whiskey for Christmas so I dragged myself downstairs (oh, the pathos!)and helped myself to a couple of fingers. I'm pretty sure the alcohol did something because I have been more clear-headed and pain free since early afternoon.

Phew... LOL, imagine if I'd said "yes" to starting on Monday and had to start my employment record with sick days!

I'm quite liking this "off my food" lark. Its not as if I haven't got a lot of reserves!


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