
Its definitely good not having to spend so much time looking for my next possible job and all the research and preparation that went into submitting those applications. I've spent a lot of today archiving and organising files, generally clearing the decks for the new problems I'm about to inherit. I have to do a 60 mile round trip to hand over certs and passport etc to be photocopied to prove I have a right to work here. If it weren't for my mother paying about £58 when Thatcher was in power so that I could be "naturalised" (!) I might have been in danger of literally being picked up and detained as has been happening to people who had no idea their residence in UK was in  question.

Its part of my process. Selecting where to put what files and information reminds me of what resources I have as well as highlighting things I need. 

I've been looking at the last few years of accounts for the new job. The list of queries is long! I need to sit down with whoever drafted the budget to get some answers. The accounts are in an overly complex form typical of public sector agencies paranoid about accountability. Its also part of my process to physically redraft overly complicated accounts for my own comfort; it is usually easier to 'translate' things back into the monolithic version for reports than it is to try to use them in day to day admin- for me anyway: I may have raised £21m for not-for-profit organisations and drafted successful business development plans and all that but my maths has always been shaky. I go through everything 3 or 4 times before I'll submit it!

It looks like it'll be Leadgate on Saturday to help out with laying out the Bee Meadow. CJH will be in charge. My friend's accident has had an impact on him and he is taking charge of the environmental stuff not least because he's rearing chicken and geese in the space at the back and side of the building. KD will be tending the bees. It will be a long time till he regains the respect of the group after leaving us pretty much high and dry last summer. I churlishly thought he was off chasing pussy but he was being shafted by the stupid company he worked for. EVERYONE commented that what he was doing was above and beyond the call etc but he soldiered on. Once the crisis had subsided he made a clerical error which he identified and reported to them and they sacked him. In the meantime we've lost most of the colonies at Leadgate -which of course MIGHT have happened, but he'd told us what he was going to do to minimise that danger, I paid for food and 'stuff' and then he just didn't turn up...

I finally got a letter back from the doctor who has been treating me for my dodgy kidneys after I sent him a message in January. I see now why he refused to answer by email: the letter was VERY carefully worded. The issue is that as part of the treatment for my kidney issue I was prescribed drugs by an irritatingly arrogant 'Cuntsultant' (sic) when I asked him how long I'd need to be taking them he very dismissively said "As long as you want to live" or words to that effect. So I was saddled with having to down a daily palmful of pharmaceuticals in the belief that not to do so would hasten my demise. I'd been paying for the medication annually but was unable to renew and was told that I had to pay despite being unemployed and in receipt of state benefits. I haven't taken the drugs this year. The doctor confirmed my condition BUT would not comment on the medication as he'd not done that. I now have to track down the cuntsultant: I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he get's some kickback for prescribing those drugs and I don't really need them!!! I am not satisfied and will dig about until I get proper answers. I have a long-standing check up next week and it will be interesting to see what if any changes have happened after 12 weeks without those supposedly or possibly not "life-saving" drugs.


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