Peeking Around the Corner

Lots of things are 'about to happen' for me, which is quite exciting. Perhaps most of them won't come to fruition, but it is an interesting feeling to be experiencing so much "dandy potential".

On the work front: I have persuaded two colleagues who have been suffering wage-slavery at the hands of ...'inadequate' bosses that their lot would be better working collaboratively as freelance independents, with me. They agreed and a project I have been developing for over a year finally received the "partnership funding" we required to release the grant we were awarded last year so it can get going this month. We've started negotiations with a client who approached me for fund-raising and business development support and who have cheap offices for rent in the city centre. We're also galvanised to revisit the project we did last year: Centrelink to both complete the project along the lines we described in the final report to funders AND to sell the idea to other local authorities. We will be initiating a couple of enterprising ideas in the very near future and there is every likelihood that we will become an established and sustainable voluntary organisation by the end of this year. It would be delicious to build up something to challenge prevailing hegemony leading the cultural class in this region with real people power.

My love life is suddenly less of a joke and more of an enigma lol. I have reconnected with someone I knew 20 years ago who's a few months younger than me. Things were fine at first but when he began to have real feelings for me he headed for the hills; he said he was bi but there were... complications and a potentially high profile with a drama teaching, pub theatre manager in Deptford was more he could handle at the time. Of course I have given him the obligatory hard time about coming back to me after being married, a father and divorced. The biggest issue is that he is in London, (I will not return to London) shares a house with his ex wife and their daughter who has some special needs and I have made it emphatically clear that I do not want a long distance relationship. To my surprise (and excitement) he has been making inroads to changing things in his life that might just give me what I want- I am convinced that it is what he wants too, but he has a strong sense of responsibility and won't just leap from one situation to the next. 

We are sufficiently different to make things interesting, but there is a very strong bedrock of attraction, intellectual stimulation and care for each other that convinces me this is worth the risks... If we hadn't had prior knowledge and experience of each other I might have chalked this up to just a 'rebound', and I am willing to concede that there might be more than a little desperation in there too as I am almost a fossil in Gay Years but still feel the need for a loving relationship- "still"? -More than ever! 

I'm finally taking my first driving test this week... "It could go either way": I do feel confident as a driver now, but I haven't the chance to practice and there are so many variables it will depend on the day. If I do pass, I will be getting a car ASAP.


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