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Having blocked him on Facebook, I thought the guy I'd been dealing with recently would have got the message, but two text messages yesterday smashed that illusion. The first was worryingly petty and irrational, whilst the second was a grovelling apology for the first that sought sympathy for his emotional state. My response was to clearly and firmly tell him to leave me alone, to stop trying to tell me what 'my problem' is and for him to expend that energy on himself.

He tried to attack everything he thinks he knows about me and to present me as a failure in all aspects of my life. He attacked me for the failure of our relationship, completely failing (again) to acknowledge that the problems we encountered surfaced when I finally accepted that he had no intention of fulfilling what he said he would and reacted to that. To read his messages, you would imagine I had put HIM through months of hellish abuse.

There was something in his observations about how I seem to let people take from me without appropriate compensation and he taunted me about being taken in by the Ukranian scammer and that my ex and his partner live in my home rent free. This is a pattern I recognise: I choose to assume that people are honest, but at the same time, I never risk what I have calculated I can't afford to lose. There will be changes re the "lodgers" now that both of them are working... I confess I am not enjoying them being here as they stay to themselves; only exchanging greetings en passant. I have commented about this but little has changed, I do feel like a landlord rather than someone "sharing" his home- and a landlord collecting no rent! But that will change now.

As I commented before; I seem to be excellent at discovering guys who are emotionally inarticulate or simply fucked up! I suppose there may be more of them in my age bracket considering the political past in this country, at the same time; though more young'uns have it better sewn up than many of us did at their age, I baulk at hitching up with someone I am old enough to have fathered!

As for this latest individual: I hope he get's the hint as I will not reply to him again...

I feel like the last few months have cured me of a yearning for "partnership"; I am single and sensible and know where to encounter similar men with similar expectations so I will content myself with that when I want and need to as my fantasies of living in a loving, supportive relationship fade. Being a free agent is preferable to dealing with the sort of damage to which I nearly  saddled myself.


  1. What was left out of the above is the fact that although my 'lodgers' make no financial contribution, they did repaint most of my house and do cook for my godson- a left-over from when I was working at the theatre in Blyth and didn't get home till late. I very much appreciate what they do even if I am irritated by them keeping so much to themselves.


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