UK Politics

We've just had local elections. Despite MANY obvious failings, the Selfservatives show little sign of losing control as working class turkeys continue to vote for Christmas. Hartlepool, which has been Labour since its creation voted for the Tories. One man said on camera that it was because the Tories had created 12 food banks... I really feel that Britain is failing: the stubborn refusal to see the folly of Brexit reminds me of the knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail who still wants to fight after most of his limbs have been lopped off.

The electorate is not clever or politically savvy, that was obvious after they swallowed what the media served them about Jeremy Corbyn. They voted against the last potential socialist alternative after UK media branded him a "commie". It will be lost on many of them that policies Jeremy Corbyn suggested have been taken up by the present government despite prophecies of doom when they were originally suggested.

The country is horribly divided along different lines of ethnicicty, class, nationalism, capitalism, vaccine refusal- you name it! Since the murder of George Floyd and resurgence of Black Lives Matter there are very many white Brits apparently scanning the media ready to leap up and complain at any attempt to balance ethnic inequalities crying "foul" or  "Cancel Culture", or "woke" or "All Lives Matter" and other inanities guaranteed to direct attention towards their own feelings of insecurity. It is as if they fear that if minority ethnic people achieve equality, they will treat white people in the ways they treated everyone else.

I did vote- eventually. -Mainly because I know the local Labour councillor and know that he is committed and works hard for his constituents. I know too that being a conscientious local councillor has and probably continues to be detrimental to his mental health, but he will keep on going. Had it been a General Election, I might not have bothered to vote at all. After FIVE cases of election fraud, government announced that people will now have to produce photo ID to be allowed to cast future votes. This is at at time when the percentage of people voting is around the low forties AND millions of Britons do not have photo ID: If you're too poor to run a car or to take international holidays you're unlikely to have the most common forms of ID. This smacks of the voter suppression tactics of the American Republican Party, which is not real suprise as BoJo openly idolised Trumplestiltskin until the (continuing) fallout following his supporters storming the American Capital Building on January 6th.

Keir Starmer is a... Actually he is hard to quantify. I think he is a Blairite. He puts in some entertaining performances against BoJo, but I think I could do that! His main problem is that he won't criticise BoJo and co siting the pandemic etc. Consequently the "Sleaze" ("Corruption" in any other country), uncovered during the pandemic: billion pound countracts awarded to friends, family and school chums of government ministers regardless of their ability to deliver. BILLIONS of pounds have been wasted and the  response of the "opposition party" has been... muted(?). It is no wonder many people are calling Starmer Tory-Lite and accusing him of destroying Labour as a socialist party- he has even pissed off and engineered increased distance from the unions.

I feel unrepresented and disenfranchised. My only comfort has been the train-wreck of Lawrence (Luvvie) Fox's political ambitions. This privileged prat, who didn't even manage to complete his time at bloody Harrow before going to RADA and following in his thespian family footsteps is SO privileged and superior that he is incapable of seeing how privileged his life has been. He believes he has achieved things on his own, quite ignoring the silver spoons, the posh education, the famous family which put him where he is: a second/third tier actor. He knows better than health professionals- has called the pandemic a "hoax" has ignored lockdown rules and was recently rude about the NHS. He stood for Mayor of London representing his made-up "party" and narrowly beat someone with a bin on their head, he got less than 1% of the vote and allegedly spent £5m on his campaign. Of course he is undeterred and has blamed the London electorate for being "Woke".


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