
I always start with such good intentions but more often than not, I end up doing very little on Saturdays and Sundays. I start looking for my merit badge after cleaning the house! It doesn't help when week ends start like yesterday: it was like Moordor here until about 3pm when there was a moment of sunshine. Last week end I was laid low by gout, it took a whole week to be able to walk without wincing in terrible pain.

My godson will be moving out soon and I need to remind my lodger of his responsibilities to maintaining this place- I know for a fact he has never cleaned the bathroom let alone the toilet since he has lived here. Before I went on holiday, I cleaned everything when I returned, the toilet had very obviously not been touched despite him living here alone for that time.

Getting back into blogging is part of freeing the intellectual log jam in my mind of things I want to write about. I haven't completed a play in twenty years! All of my creativity goes into planning and reporting. I have been watching huge amounts of streamed TV with my lodger and that will have to be cut in half immediately. I justify it by the amount of time and effort I put into my job, but I also know that I need to come home and do a bit more if I am to see any real development. The lodger is 28 and doesn't drink- which is strange for a Geordie! He hates pubs because they're "full of drunks" and has witnessed too many friends come a cropper through drink. He hardly goes out. I am concerned about him. I rarely go out because I think the Newcastle gay scene is shite and I'm not much of a drinker myself. But rather than subjugating my imagination to streamed TV I would be better served by unlocking the ideas that have been building up in my mind.

One thing is constant: regardless of what I actually do on a week end, I get to Sunday evening and feel like I could do with at least another day off. I suppose I'm beginning to feel old.

I'd better go and mow the garden, it has been a while.


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