Northumberland Road Trip
Last week I set out to make as many 'strategic contacts' as I could to introduce myself as The Phoenix's new Manager and to call "Time" on leaving the theatre out of Creative Sector development strategies for the county. I went to Berwick on Tweed for a " Northumberland Strategic Arts Forum " 'conference' at the Maltings . This turned out to be a pretty 'standard' strategic event, but it was useful for me to meet some interesting creative people who are active in the county and for some of the "officers" with whom I have crossed swords before to see me with a new hat on! I was also able to see the first half of Phizzical Theatre's Cymbeline , only the first half as it was going to end after the last train to Newcastle was scheduled to leave. I was pleased to finally catch up with the show: the director had asked me to try to get it into a venue in Newcastle or Gateshead last year but NONE of them would even look at it....