
Showing posts from October, 2013

Northumberland Road Trip

Last week I set out to make as many 'strategic contacts' as I could to introduce myself as The Phoenix's new Manager and to call "Time" on leaving the theatre out of Creative Sector development strategies for the county. I went to Berwick on Tweed for a " Northumberland Strategic Arts Forum " 'conference' at the Maltings . This turned out to be a pretty 'standard' strategic event, but it was useful for me to meet some interesting creative people who are active in the county and for some of the "officers" with whom I have crossed swords before to see me with a new hat on! I was also able to see the first half of Phizzical Theatre's Cymbeline , only the first half as it was going to end after the last train to Newcastle was scheduled to leave. I was pleased to finally catch up with the show: the director had asked me to try to get it into a venue in Newcastle or Gateshead last year but NONE of them would even look at it.


I cruised into Blyth on an Arriva bus last Monday, met the Executive Director and volunteer Box Office Manager of the Phoenix Theatre , got a set of keys and started my "Probation" is their first paid Theatre Manager. I've met new people every day between learning systems and reading the unavoidable stack of "strategy papers and reports" on art and culture in South East Northumberland and The Phoenix Theatre in particular. The Technician and me hit it off instantly as we have similar interests, values and aspirations and everyone has been so welcoming and pleasant that I am trying not to look for 'the catch'! I know there is a huge expectation that I will be able to realise all their dreams as much as I know I won't be able to please them all- but I want what they want. It is such a pleasure to be working WITH as opposed to for or even against a Board. These guys are good natured, experienced and more than capable, the fact that I agree with their

Just Letting Go

At the last meeting I had as Chair of the North East Sustained Theatre Regional Hub, I was soothingly advised to "just let it go, Oscar" when those assembled baulked at the suggestion that we could collectively descend upon the Arse Council offices in Newcastle to voice our displeasure at their actions to sideline and ignore the artists in an allegedly "Artist-led initiative". I took their advice- not to let go of my aspirations, but to let go of THEM! When I worked for Intercultural Arts I was paid to stick my neck out and stand up for those people who, as creative professionals, were less able to represent themselves in the strategic shenanigans of "arts development. The fact that I had not had those responsibilities or benefits since May 2011 seemed to be lost on most of them who thought I would continue putting myself out for them with no support or even public endorsement. I made it clear that although I was stepping down as Chair I would continue to sup

Bunking Off in Blyth

Today was uncharacteristically warm and bright. I have been wading through data to draft a final report for a research project that should have finished months ago but I had underestimated other people's inputs (again). I really wasn't in the mood for work and I had a hunch there wouldn't be that many more days like this for the rest of the year so I invited my housemate to stop brooding the loss of an Agency job and have a day out with me. I am really looking forward to starting work in Blyth next week. Even though the theatre was closed by the time we arrived. We had lunch then made it all the way to the beach where a little dog became hysterical at the sight of me much to the embarrassment of its owner who kept saying "She's never been like this before". I wondered if the dog had seen many black people before. It certainly didn't bother me. I did see someone from Newcastle I particularly dislike, but, hey! I think I could happily live in Blyth- as