Back on track

I was slightly swindled into a recent "business relationship": It was based on a lot of work and research and planning over five years so when I learned "we have a building" I was eager. When I discovered the details of the 'deal' I was worried, said so and BEGGED the "partner" to hold off until some plans could be made. My pleas were rejected. Nevertheless, I lent a hand, after all; this was the closest we'd come to making our dreams real since being strung along by a venue owner in 2006.

My role has always been administration fund-raising and community network development for a project that is part cafe/bar and part community development centre, but when the cook announced she would be unable to participate due to serious ill health, I stepped up to the plate as a temporary emergency measure.

This turned out to be a mistake: in hindsight; if I had allowed the project to stumble at this first hurdle, it could have made a major difference to the next three months. As it was, it was soon forgotten that I was in fact the administrator/developer of the project and I was treated as just an unpaid cook and duty manager in service of what seemed like a vanity project to the glory of my "business partner" who treated me with increasing disrespect. I tolerated the treatment because the project quickly depended on him being able to work over 100hrs a week and I understood that his tiredness and health issues affected our interactions... and there were times when I felt that to react would have prompted me facing manslaughter charges at very least.

I began to sublimate myself and my personal power and to accept more and more of his disrespect beyond an acceptable point even- or possibly more, since I left the kitchen (after five weeks) and began my core role of fund-raising and getting the admin for the various legal compliances completed and submitted. This work was not seen as contributory to the project despite series failings in compliance as a result of the rush with which it was started. Things came to a head last weekend over the "Pride" celebrations. Arguments in following days revealed a lack of acknowledgement of my contribution to date and a belief that the fund-raising and development in which I was involved was also an irrelevant waste of time. From that day; I have not offered any assistance to running the cafe/bar which is open 13hrs a day, 7 days a week with an hour for prep and clean-up so a 105 hour working week.

Aaah... I feel relaxed and able to get on with what I need to be doing to make money for myself and to organise activities in the community centre parts of the building that has been leased. Incidentally: the space would be in use now were it not for the interference and insistence of the "business partner" to put his stamp on the community space with an idea that I predicted would not work, has lost us several weeks of possible hires and will still take time and labour we can't afford to put right.

I have submitted applications on behalf of my community interest company as a partner to the cafe/bar for £45,255 to refurbish a 46ft X 20ft "community space" and a suite of up to 8 offices for groups and organisations. When the results start coming in I will be able to do what I need to do and have minimal contact with someone that after five years of discussions and plans turns out to be most of the things people warned me about him. 

Generally; I have more faith in people than they often deserve.


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