In Facebook Jail

 Facebook does entertain me: I laugh at all the pretence. They implement issues of morality in quite peculiar and unequal ways. I have been censured for the 6th time or so, for seven days, for attempting to post the following image which, allegedly contravenes their rules on nudity. : "

"Do not post:
Images of
    Real nude adults, where nudity is defined as
      Visible genitalia except in the context of birth giving and after-birth moments or health-related situations (for example, gender confirmation surgery, examination for cancer or disease prevention/assessment)
      Visible anus and/or fully nude close-ups of buttocks unless photoshopped on a public figure
      Uncovered female nipples except in the context of breastfeeding, birth giving and after-birth moments, health-related situations (for example, post-mastectomy, breast cancer awareness or gender confirmation surgery) or an act of protest"

If you think this picture contravenes those rules, please let me know.

 As soon as I posted the image a message was generated saying it was to be reviewed. A little later, a "ruling" was passed banning me for 7 days for contravening their rules. I gave up trying to contact them to challenge this ruling as trying to correspond with their supposed arbitration group is rather like trying to see a bronze age potentate. In my first set of attempts it transpired that Facebook doesn't like the browser that I've been using to access Facebook itself. I used another browser and got as far as clicking a link on the arbitration site which did nothing, several times. They clearly do not want the bother of actually dealing with their users. I suppose we're supposed to be grateful because they don't  charge for the basic service. I have missed exchanging views with those of my friends who respond to my posts and it brought back into focus how much time I have been giving to that practice, but I'm glad that I have not been that bothered. I am still reading the things that interest me, I am just not sharing them with anyone. 

One of my lodgers stayed at my house on Christmas day which was an awkward surprise. He is Albanian, young and has an unfortunate "resting bitch face" which probably has much to do with the concentration he needs to translate between Albania and English in his head. Language has been a bit of a barrier, but compounded with a (quite amusing) machismo/ independence which displays as him always being "OK" regardless of showing a face a like a slapped arse and clearly NOT having understood what was said. We have come to the point where I no longer push him for anything- I remind myself that I am his landlord and I provide an evening meal. If he does not come back in time for dinner and has not made arrangements with me, the food will be left or chucked. I try to avoid wasting food, so I have told him to contact me BEFORE I start to cook or I will assume he will not be around. With the other one at his father's I have enjoyed not having to cook.

I ran out of papers yesterday which was MOST irritating as the shops were shut.


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