They Still Ain't Ready!

Of course they're not; its only been a month since I wrote about my Faerie Friends. Since my last blog post the rainbow flag has been discussed. It started with Philadelphia I think who added two brown stripes to the flag. It was a symbolic acknowledgement of the invisibility and marginalisation of people of colour in LGBTQ communities. Despite supposedly being hot on "spirituality" the symbolism of this gesture was lost on almost all who participated in the ensuing discussion. I took part at first; trying to explain that the fact that there aren't green or blue-skinned people wasn't relevant and that "yes" the rainbow flag is supposed to be inclusive but it clearly doesn't include everyone. Even Faeries to whom I consider myself close seemed not to get it. I sat back and observed the conversation become trivialised until it was easy to dismiss. It was a truly fascinating experience.

I do feel a lot less close to the group as a result. I feel like they give major lip-service to "spirituality", "Cosmic Consciousness" and a lot of stuff that it would be easy (and unfair) to dismiss as "hippy shit", but issues like the marginalisation and absence of people of colour in their gatherings isn't something they can deal with.

I'd written an application to the Big Lottery Fund for a marquee for their Global Gathering event in August. I may have written about the experience here. Talk about "pulling teeth"! There was resistance from some who felt it was somehow against their "principles" (LOL) to be accepting money from 'The Man/Authorities/etc'. I reminded them that the funds come from people playing the National Lottery and that this particular fund was made as easy as possible for bona fide groups to obtain at least one bite of the cherry. I stopped pushing for it and just before the deadline for submitting an application and getting a response in time for the event, they asked me to draft a submission. Even then; getting basic information like addresses, bank account details etc was tortuous. I got the submission in with 3 days to spare. Then of course; they started contacting me asking when the money would arrive. As everything was in their names I told them they'd know before me. In the end they were refused. I've had a pretty near perfect record with Big Lottery Applications but I admit this one might have been a little less focused than before due to the reasons I stated. I had a gracious reaction from one of the key Faeries who thanked me for my effort... The other... not so much. 

Another prominent member of the group posts ignorantly Islamaphobic comments about "Islam claims to be a religion of peace but doesn't stop suicide attacks". My irritation prompted me to gather and post a load of stuff about the evils of (so-called) "Christian" militias, White Supremacists and lone loonies all claiming inspiration from a Christian God. This person would never be accused of being an intellectual and eventually stopped posting (for the time being) but never acknowledged that he might be in the wrong. 

These experiences have crystalised some of the notions I'd been forming about the group in reality over its supposed aims. Ultimately; if I am to continue with them it will be with an acknowledgement that they are unlikely to develop in relation to people of colour- unless a 20-something big-dicked, sexually liberated, camp, black guy joins!

I AIN'T bitter about this! I AM disappointed that yet another "radical" LGBTQ organisation turns out to NOT actually do what it says on its tin:-(

Happy Pride EVERYONE


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