Darn It!

Uggh. I've been unwell. It started when I stubbed my toe- that's not funny! Four days and sleepless nights later, when it felt like it was beginning to heal, I did it again. I've had weeks of little sleep which is never good so, of course I feel drained. I've also been doing weird gymnastics in my sleep which have left me with all sorts of unexpected aches. Today, the foot feels fine, but I've twisted the knee.

What a pathetic end to my 59th year.

Government eased restrictions on people mixing over Christmas so we're now into the third national lockdown with more people in hospital and dying than at any previous time. They were STILL issuing ridiculous "guidelines" which included NOT shutting the schools until quite recently. Many people still refuse to take is seriously or challenge government impositions as a loss of personal liberty... Selfish bastards is my response to that! I think that wholesale adherence to a proper lockdown, with no sneaky parties, raves, illegal pubs etc etc could act as the "firebreak" we need to get through this... If we haven't already missed that boat. In that case we need to rely on the vaccines. Of course, not everyone will take it, and there is talk of restricting those who don't unless they change their minds. But government hasn't sorted out how to distribute it to those who want it yet. Surprise, surprise.

The chumocracy of Britain's government continues unabashed by disclosures of contracts worth millions of pounds being awarded to people whose only qualifications seem to be their names in key address books... Do people still have those? -Email lists then. Across the world inadequate and unsuitable people are in power. I have a pervading feeling of .... "bleughhh" when I contemplate this country's future. The people in power have no respect for those they govern. Rather than issue vouchers so that people in need can buy food during the crisis government awarded a contract to some company to deliver food boxes because they thought the vouchers might end up being traded for other things. The very obvious problem is that the food boxes are costing the tax-payer £30 each, but contains what just about everyone can see is about £10 worth of food which is supposed to last for three weeks.

Across 'the Pond' Trumplestiltskin incited a mob of his mindless supporters to storm the Capital Building. Most of them were armed and man of them brought with them 'accessories' like zip ties, Molotov Cocktails and metal bars. They forced their way into senators' offices, threw around papers, cause representatives to be told to lie on the floor of the chamber whilst security attempted to barricade the doors. One 'protestor' was shot, another had a fatal heart attack (which may or may not have been triggered by accidentally discharging a taser he was temporarily holding between his legs as he attempted some vandalism.), and one police officer died after being assaulted with a fire extinguisher. The Fallout has been immense! -From people being identified from their own selfie footage and, as they refuse to wear masks they were easy to find and have their employment terminated, be arrested, find themselves on the "no fly" list etc etc. It is been amusing to witness, but it is chilling to think about how much more serious it could very easily have been. It was an attempted armed insurrections- luckily  attempted by no sense rednecks.

Of course, nothing like that would ever happen in UK!!! -Parliament is better protected, for a start! Also, whilst disaffection and division is rife, I don't see anything to challenge the shitty status quo. I am a Socialist and the traditionally socialist UK political party just doesn't look socialist any more. Their villification of Jeremy Corbyn is sickening- all the more so now that details of how the |Labour party itself worked against his election prospects, now he is a useful scapegoat for electoral failure. -But I digress lol...Armed insurrection isn't really the British way... At least on home soil... I suspect we will have a very hard time as Brexit 'bites' All I want is my People Centre project ASAP.


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