Bad Week for No Green!

I confess that most weeks with absolutely no green are tiresome, but in the 9th (?) week of the UK 'lockdown' it is proving more difficult for me than is reasonable.

Facebook is my main diversion as I've found no new job opportunities for which I can apply for a while. -A month ago I found out that I've been shortlisted for a job I think I'd actually enjoy, but they're not going to interview until the lockdown eases. My problem with Facebook is that people  state their opinions regardless of science or (my interpretation of) common sense and are adamant about their "right" to do so. I've locked horns with friends keen to end the lockdown including one who's severely asthmatic and has at least one very small child and another who keeps announcing that it is a "hoax" but won't elaborate on that statement. 

The government wants state schools to reopen on June 1st but public schools like Eton et al won't reopen until September. They're also talking about reopening pubs starting with those with beer gardens. It has transpired that people in residential care homes were pretty much thrown to the wind in "preparation" (lol) for the pandemic. Consequently; over 10,000 people have so far died in care homes. I've asked people clamouring to end the lockdown which of their elderly relatives or friends they'd allow to become infected and possibly die, but none have responded to that challenge. Countries who fared comparatively well initially after quickly implementing lockdown and other procedures have experienced worryingly high new infections as they've ended those restrictions. Here in UK; where we have the second worst infection rate after (Trump's) America, a lot of people are clamouring for an end to the lockdown because it restricts their freedoms[no shit Sherlock!]. I'm finding it harder to temper my reactions and keep them civil. When I feel like punching someone I use the 'laughter' emoji..., am I addicted to green?... Not exactly; but I realise it has assisted me by helping to take the edge off situations that infuriate me. Perhaps "emotionally dependent" is more accurate and definiately not the same thing! I can be 100% more chilled on green than off it- AND creative. I've got several creative projects on which I could be  working, but I find that, despite craving creative stimulation, I'm rarely in the mood to put finger to keypad.

Some good things: I found that a hedgehog has been foraging under the bird table in my garden. This was pleasing as I'd not seen one in my garden since my neighbour destroyed its nest during garden remodelling a few years ago. I've been leaving peanuts out for it and watching from the window in my lounge when it came to eat. A few nights ago, I discovered it isn't a single hedgehog but at least three. I realise that they've colonised a large and unsightly pile of branches, grass cuttings etc in a corner of my garden where I store the bins. I've been harbouring plans to remove this stuff to reclaim that bit of garden, but now; what would I do with the hedgehogs? It is ironic that it has already been a 'better' summer than last year (which was pretty good by North East England standards). It is not surpring that people are breaking lockdown rules, but I'm worried about what is going to hapen next.

There is talk of a "New Normal" after this, but the government is already backpedalling on things like immigrant workers who've been propping up the NHS, more than 100 of whom have died from Covid 19. They have to PAY to work in UK and there is debate about them having to pay for treatment from the NHS should they need it... I've always feared revolution- not because I hate or fear change- far from it: I embrace change! But societal revolution frightens me because of the likely loss of life and the almost inevitable scramble for power after the removal of the previous regime. But as more daily details of this government's mishandling of this situation are revealed, revolution seems an increasingly sensible option! The UK government seems to want to be seen as "Trump Lite" and what is happening in USA is pretty unbelievable. One commentator called it "The Fall of the American Empire". It is certain that America's influence has waned in the last four years. Removing Trump would be a good start, but his brainless, neckless supporters will lose their shit if he doesn't survive the next election. People, on both sides of the Atlantic have become so brainwashed against socialism that they're allowing the death of their democracies. Across the world at the moment there is a lack of intellectual prowess or just common sense among leaders and repressive governments are using the lack of scrutiny to enact vicious and unnecessary restrictive legislation against vulnerable minorities. Scotland and Spain are considering implementing Universal Basic Income. I think that would deliver sustainable benefits for the people and the economy but the UK government remains implaccably opposed; like much of their decisions, they seem to have stuck fingers into both ears whilst intoning "la, la, la" to anything contrary to their (failed) ideologies.

I really wish we had the People Centre by now; I'd enjoy working on the house and grounds at a time like this, blissfully disengaged from the things I know I'd not be abe to change.

I might get some green on Saturday... If I'm lucky.


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