
Showing posts from January, 2019

Regular Weekend Madness

Since leaving my last job and STILL waiting for the Council contract I was assured would start "by the end of October", Sundays spent with two of my friends have increased in importance for me. We just 'hang out': listen to music, talk rubbish, share anecdotes, insult each other- its childish and satisfying. We've been meeting in each other's houses for three years! Once, some else was invited, but she completely misread the vibe and got drunk and leery which hasn't encouraged us to make it anything more than it already is! It has been easy to get fixated on how hard things have been and for far too long. Sundays allow me to let off steam, fantasise and get inspired. I have appreciate the solitude of recent months, though I've not made the use of it I could have done. My curse is my planning tendancy: I feel comfortable and confident when I have assessed the potential outcomes of current actions. I've come to a point where few of my next possib

Pharoah's Dream

Seven years has been an interesting interval in my life: I left the madness of Talawa Theatre Company on the day Blair <spits> became Prime Minister to run a nightclub which, unbeknownst to me, was a front for a drug-dealing family with connections to the Krays and Richardsons! I got shafted and it took seven years to pay off the debt they laid at my feet.  Life was pretty good for me when I moved to Newcastle in 2003 and remained so until the beginning of 2011 when the people I worked for FINALLY woke up to what I had been telling them would happen after the global financial crash: arts funding would be declared a luxury and cut severely. For the second time; I found myself carving out a Freelance existence in a recession. It was frustrating to watch most of what I'd work disappear or being rebranded as other people's ideas in the following seven years as I tried to regain the foothold I'd had in The Arts in my region. 2018 was the year when most of what could