
Showing posts from April, 2014

On His Way

OK so I still reserve a LITTLE piece of cynicism in case it turns out to be a scam, but my beau tells me he has booked a ticket to arrive in London on May 1st and stay with me until the end of September. The logic is to find out if daily correspondence can actually turn into a real, committed relationship. I am confident enough in my own deductive skills (as an experience Director and trainer of actors!) to know pretty quickly if its just a ruse to get a gullible UK citizen to make the arrangements to get him out of a country where he will have few real prospects or that he is everything he has said that he is. Of course even then we might not hit it off. I would still help him to stay here as long as I believed he wasn't trying to scam me. So, I'm planning a long week end in London doing the tourist things and hitting at least one big gay club before coming home on the Sunday evening. This will be a complicated undertaking as several friends who live at opposite ends of th

Bad bosses!

I am committed to the work of the cic I formed in 2012, but two jobs for organisations I have worked with before and where feel I could do well happen to be being advertised at the moment, it would be foolish not to apply. They pay well but although I would be happy to land either of them, I will be just as content to continue what I am doing now. My main problem is knowing whether I could actually work for those people. I have had such bad luck with bosses! The LLGC fools turned down an opportunity that was "licensed to print cash" as one of my friends described it at the time, in favour of trying to gentrify the centre which alienated its core users (as I told them it would), ended the only period of profitability the organisation had ever experienced and caused its closure three years later. I had predicted everything that happened accurately except I thought it would take 18 months for them collapse, they borrowed against their houses to extend the farce for an extra


OK so: I HAVE been getting back into the work flow; I'm on the trail of some "partnership funding" for a project for which I got HLF funding last year but failed to secure the required additional bit to release the grant. My brief stint in Blyth put the project on the back burner but HLF confirmed they'd be willing to grant an extension (better than letting the cash go back to London!) so I'm back on the hunt. This time, two of my colleagues find themselves in similar situations re work and are more actively involved so it feels like we can really do it this time. I've also won a commission to write some funding applications for an LGBT organisation in Darlington, so things are looking... OK. The thing is that my Love Life has intruded on my work life. I don't really have much of a "love life" these days, though, as a single gay around town I'm not celibate! But I am an old fashioned sort who wants what he has wanted from the acceptance o