Swimming Upstream

I started blogging about LGBT issues after a friend suggested that Facebook really wasn't the appropriate forum for what I was sharing. She was into the "Hi, how you doing?" experience and didn't want to have to deal with wild rantings about inequality everytime she logged on. She told me she rarely read anything I posted and would 'clear' her page of my contributions before getting on with her chats. I laughed and apologised and was introduced to blogging.

I'm quite squirrell-like in the way I use information: I read something and store it for future reference by date and subject in reference to different projects or interests and refer to them regularly thereafter. Unfortunately, I ran foul of copywright rules when a gay website (certainly NOT one of the better ones btw) reported my activities to Wordpress who immediately closed my blog and told me I would have no further access to it. I had made no attempt to claim any articles as my own, I ensured links to the original were included and always credited the author. Not enough apparently, so I started here.

The problem I've had is that its hard to write about all the work I read every day and simply copying them unpublished until I have time to work on them creates a frightening backlog of work. 

I laugh to remember that I started this as recreation because now it feels as though I've created a 40 hour a week job! 

The greatest thing at the moment is knowing noone else is actually reading this: I can get my act together before anyone notices.


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