LGBT Underground Railroad

I read an post from the excellent blog LGBT Asylum News, by Joe Mirabella that got me thinking...

When that idiot David Ssempa in Uganda first presented his proposed bill to (amongst other things) make homosexuality punishable by death, my thoughts were immediately about how to reach out to and if possible protect my LGBT brothers and sisters. I sit here in comparative luxury where my sexuality isn't something I need to hide and I have laws that can protect me should (some) things go wrong. I remember when none of that was true, but even then it wasn't as bad as the fear so many in Africa feel from day to day. -I thought about how escaped slaves were smuggled into Europe in the 19th century, how Jews were smuggled out of Germany in the 20th. 

But how could this be done?- Part of the the problem is the UK Border Agency who seem keen to send LGBT people back to places where they are in danger of being murdered by their own states in the name of "protecting" UK's borders!!! From the little I know about previous underground railroads, for them to be effective they needed more resources than I can muster. I wish there was a way to be able to 'sponsor' LGBT Asylum Seekers. I know how naive that will sound, but I'd be prepared to take the risk of giving sanctuary and support to someone I believed was in danger if they were repatriated to a place like Uganda or Jamaica. Of course it could go wrong; people lie, "good Samaritans" sometimes harbour more "base" motivations, but I don''t believe its impossible for something to be made to work. 

I don't deny my guilt at the privalege I experience in comparison with the experiences of so many LGBT people around the world but my frustration at not being able to do anything is more potent than guilt.


  1. Oscar, I found your blog in a search online related ot the work I've been doing with some groups in the US and European countries to assist Ugandan LGBT and individuals impacted by the anti-gay and anti-HIV laws. Last month, a new Safe Passage Fund was set up that has collected funds to help, and we are now working with the Quaker-fun Friends New Underground Railroad to support the most urgent cases of primarily rural Ugandan LGBT who seek transit from immediate danger and risk of arrest/jail.

    You can make tax exempt donations at this website, as the Quaker group is a project of Olympia Friends Ctte, a US 501C3 charity.

    To date, 62 Ugandans have been evacuated from immediate danger to safety in third party countries, and others have found safer shelter in other parts of Uganda. We are working with a number of Ugandan and foreign individuals and associations in a very confidential manner to assure the safety, support, social and legal assistance for these individuals facing dire persecution to arrive at a safer shelter, including safe houses outside Uganda for those who have requested urgent passage out of the country to seek asylum.

    The website and donation information is found at:

    - Feel free to inform your audience.

    Anne-christine d'Adesky, rights advocate.

    1. Thanks Anne! I have donated to the underground railway through one of the petition sites. I'm also very familiar with the Quakers after having taught at one of their schools after I left university, I look forward to finding out about what they're up to on these


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