
Showing posts from February, 2021


  I like a good whinge from time to time, but WOW! There are a couple of people in my life at the moment who know nothing else! There is one person of whom I've said "Something terrible happens to [them] every day!" It is as if they either actively attract bad shit or they've become so conditioned that they simply can't recognise anything positive or "not crap" that happens to them.  Recently I was invited to join a Facebook page by someone who had shared an article that I had found. I'm not entirely sure how they became a "friend" as I am careful NOT to have people on there I have not met. Anyway- the group is supposedly about local politics but it was mostly about baiting each other and being challenging. There were some pretty basic racists and mysoginists who would start "discussions" with things like "Illegal Immigrants Should be Denied the Covid 19 Vaccination. Change My Mind.! In any case, the (Muslim) man who invited


The current  "lockdown" is proving to be a lot more difficult for me than the first one. Little has materially changed for me- apart from the weather which has been decidedly wintry for a couple of weeks- a thaw has started today. I found that my cancer is back, but since I was first diagnosed thirteen years ago, treatment has improved so that, whilst I was told originally that when I got to this point it would mean whipping out a kidney or perhaps two and being reliant on dialysis hereafter. Now, I am informed that they can use a robot to target the 2.5cm lesion and I should be out of hospital in two days- unless I bleed uncontrolably or some such. I am almost looking forward to it. I'm "low priority" so will keep being shunted to the bottom of the queue until they're ready for me. I'm bothered by the potential need for a will though, I will do it just to make sure nothing goes to my criminal brothers! I've decided that looking for work is a waste o