
Showing posts from June, 2017


This has been a difficult week: I have made a lot of contacts with different groups; I even drove all the way to Teesdale  to a Visitor Network meeting and arrived late having got lost.  I came back on the opposite side of the valley I drive past to get to work . It was stunning. I arrived at the meeting as they were gloating about their "hidden gem" status. My first contribution was to suggest that patting themselves on the back for being "hidden" was counter-intuitive for a visitor network because people just don't know about the region- people in Newcastle and Durham are as ignorant of the area as Londoners which makes the job of promoting it more difficult ("derr")... It has been a week of meetings which have disrupted my aim to have a draft budget to work on next week before producing a draft development plan for my boss the following week. I am finding the council's systems as frustrating as I expected. I understand the need for security


This was my favourite sculpture until it was dismantled after bits of it started falling off. " The B of the Bang " was positioned outside Manchester Stadium and signified the moment a starting pistol is discharged. My life isn't grand or important-enough for an all out "bang" but I'm near to managing a fully considered "pop"! Sadly, the sculpture was dismantled when one of its giant spikes fell to the floor- not hard to see why the council would want to avoid the potential of a citizen being speared by a giant spike. That is another reason I feel there is an affinity between the sculpture and my life! (lol). LOADS has happened since I last blogged! Ironically; when my life becomes interesting I find less time to blog. My new job is turning out to be really good!! My biggest problem is that although I have received my first salary cheque I am still struggling financially and seem set to do so for almost as long as I was out of work! The job i

They Still Ain't Ready!

Of course they're not; its only been a month since I wrote about my Faerie Friends. Since my last blog post the rainbow flag has been discussed. It started with Philadelphia I think who added two brown stripes to the flag. It was a symbolic acknowledgement of the invisibility and marginalisation of people of colour in LGBTQ communities. Despite supposedly being hot on "spirituality" the symbolism of this gesture was lost on almost all who participated in the ensuing discussion. I took part at first; trying to explain that the fact that there aren't green or blue-skinned people wasn't relevant and that "yes" the rainbow flag is supposed to be inclusive but it clearly doesn't include everyone. Even Faeries to whom I consider myself close seemed not to get it. I sat back and observed the conversation become trivialised until it was easy to dismiss. It was a truly fascinating experience. I do feel a lot less close to the group as a result. I feel lik