
Showing posts from February, 2014

Memento Mori

( recent events have kept me from blogging, but I wrote the odd phrase or reflection about what was happing in my work-book...) I have been assailed by deaths of late and (yet another) reminder of my own mortality. My 18 year old cat died after wasting away for months. I was conflicted with sadness and relief. He had been 'going downhill' for a while now- despite an unexpected rally around Christmas. Two friends also died. One had posted a jolly note on Facebook a month or so before saying he'd been diagnosed with something neurological that I didn't look up but he joked that any maudlin posts would be severely dealt with. I didn't realise how imminent his end was going to be. It had been years since we'd even spoken but we facebooked. My shock at the news of my other friend's death was compounded by finding out he had lain undiscovered for six days. Yes; he lived alone, but he was one of the most 'connected' people I know, with friends al