
Showing posts from March, 2020

Monkey's Paw

Well!!! I don't think that 2020 is turning out to be much like many people hoped. I'm writing at the start of the 2nd week of "lockdown" in UK in response to the global Covid 19 pandemic. My experience hasn't been that different from life pre-lockdown TBH; having been unemployed since August 2018, money has been too tight to spend on much beside "essentials". Nevertheless; I've had a very positive attitude since late February when I had a flash of inspiration that reminded me that I was in charge of my responses to whatever happens to me and that being more positive would generate the sorts of vibrations around me to enhance not hinder my life. I watched something which made the point that if you're constantly believing that things won't get any better you'll probably collaborate in making that a reality. Think about it: if you have a mindset that fails to recognise the potential positives in a situation, you won't be able to purs