
Showing posts from February, 2017

Blogger Returns

Well... That has been an interesting month. I didn't mean to stop blogging but to be frank it has been a pretty bleak time and writing about it didn't feel like it would help. By the end of this month I will have been unemployed for six months. Six to Seven months has been the average it has taken me to find a job after previous redundancies or out-flouncings. More fool me to work in such a precarious sector, I can't help myself: when you get through the bullshit of over-cautious administrators and consultation-fatigued residents and sparks of COMMUNITY ignite!... -That makes it all worthwhile.  Yeah, yeah, yeah. I still got bills to pay.  Commitment has always been my problem: I have avoided jobs I could forget with the ease of discarding a jacket on getting home after work. I do what I do for the positive possibilities I hope the activity will create or inspire. The fatter pay-cheque didn't seem worth the mind-death of a job to which I could not feel commi