The Best lack all resources, whilst The Worst get facilities and public cash
-And "yes" I DO class myself in the first category! I have met few people up here with the community arts and development skills and experience I possess. Its too hard not to moan when I see so much I can't change and I am very aware that my (bad) reputation precedes me- with some justification as I have locked horns with bored Boards and flounced off into the distance more than once. ANOTHER friend shared the horrors of working for inadequate managers recently, seemingly incapable of addressing obvious issues out of fear and obvious inability. The common theme is that if you're the sort of person who won't rock any boats, frighten any live stock and maintain the status quo; you're in!- Brown-nosing is a creative sector core skill. Beware the person who is everyone's (professional) friend: you can wager they're sharing information about you both real and invented with your enemies and will end up well funded whilst you fall from favour. There is a ...