Death by Committee
Considering how much time 'Not for profit' organisations spend in meetings, its astonishing how bad most of them are at doing them properly! Its not just the quality of the Chairperson: too often; if Trustees or Committee members read the relevant papers on the way to the meeting, they feel they've done well. They're volunteers after all and those with the best skills and experience to be board members also tend to be the busiest. Its an imposition to expect them to WORK for nothing, the organisation should be grateful they show up at all. I've reported to committees who didn't have the first idea of what they were supposed to be doing and witnessed other treating their workers like low caste servants: one lot sat on what appeared to be a healthy bank balance that turned out to be a grant for work that they had to pay back to the funder a year after the work was supposed to have been completed, because they thought they were showing good management by refus...