
Showing posts from August, 2011

Big Rise in HIV infections amongs young Black US gays.

The number of people becoming infected with the AIDS virus in USA was about 50,000 a year between 2006 and 2009, according to data compiled by government epidemiologists. This apparent statistical 'plateau' is apparently hiding the disturbing fac that there was been a rise of 12% per year of cases among black gay men- from 4,400 in 2006 - 6,500 in 2009. Moreover; this was the only group of gay men where a significant increase of cases was recorded.   I read an article that suggested research has shown that young gay black males don't engage in riskier sex than their white counterparts, but that fewer of them know they're infected in the first place so they're spreading the virus more widely. This level of ignorance is sad and dangerous. A 20 something told me last in Newcastle year that as long as he didn't "shag" anyone over 30 (I WASN'T offering btw!) he would be safe from HIV!!!!!!!! I remember my own invincible youth, when a visit the the c

Very Interesting Pink Toon Plans

I met with a friend on Saturday afternoon in a pub in the Toon -after he sent a text telling me he was where we had agreed to meet! -Not working is messing with my head it weird ways.-Not to mention the fact that I rarely go out drinking and was still a bit dazed from Friday night, I had to jump into a taxi and got there 25 minutes late. Luckily; my friend is usually the late ones for these rendez-vous, so he let me off. My friend has been instrumental in the continued success of the annual "Pride" event that takes place in Newcastle. I'd go as far as to say that were it not for him, the last three events would have been complete disasters. I've been critical of the organising group for being effectively closed to anyone who wasn't used to the unnecessarily bureacratic way they did things- it was also of note that most of the committee were former students who knew each other socially- but who didn't really use 'The Scene'. -I've spent lots of my